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Important Links


Interest Form
Upcoming Meetings

September 11, 4pm, Virtual

October 2, 1pm, In Person

December 4, 4pm, Virtual

Board Members

Advisor and Member Representatives:
Alumni: Trevor Tuttle, Dysart High School
College/Postsecondary: Bootsie Martinez, Paradise Valley Community College
CTE Administrator: Craig Pearson, Higley Unified School District
Middle School: Mike Jackson, Desert Star Academy
Region 1: Eric Frost, Kofa High School
Region 2: Vacant
Region 3: Yvette Jaimes, EVIT
Region 4: Travis Black VACTE (Board Chair)
Region 5: Rick Jackson, Youngker High School
Region 6: Mike Srsen Pima JTED (Board Secretary)
Region 7
: Vacant
Region 8: Dora Speirs, Valley High School


Business and Industry Representatives:

  • Niki Reppy

  • Jonathan Yamasaki

  • Ross Rector

  • Ashleigh Potznik

  • Cassie Mejia

  • Rick Knisely


*Six business and industry representative positions remain vacant.

If interested in serving, please complete the Interest Form.


Ex-Officio Members:

State President: Joshua Lopez

State Director (Non-Voting): Michelle Martinez

ADE CTSO State Director (Non-Voting): Julie Ellis

ADE Program Specialist: Joe Grieco


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